vrijdag 17 mei 2019

Game report: Chastre - Oud-Heverlee Leuven

Hello, for another English task, I had to write a game report of one of my last soccer games. This season, I played in the second team of Oud-Heverlee Leuven and I chose the game Chastre - Oud-Heverlee Leuven.

Two weeks ago, we became the champions of our league and on Saturday afternoon, we played our last competition match of the season in Chastre. We won against every team in our league at least once except against them, we finished 1-1 in our first confrontation. So we wanted to win this game well. Chastre was ranked third in our league so it wouldn't be easy to win, we thought.

The game began and we were the better team in the first ten minutes. I came in a one-on-one situation with the goalkeeper but the defender tackled me in the sixteen meters. However, the referee didn't see it as a foul, so we didn't get a penalty. Ten minutes later, our left back, Lotte Michiels, got a chance to score and she did! 0-1 after twenty minutes. Another ten minutes later, Jana Janssens, scored between the legs of the other goalkeeper, 0-2 after thirty minutes. Before half time, Zélie Lambert, our goalkeeper, did a nice save and she saved us from the 1-2. Fifteen minutes into the second half, we got a penalty and our captain, Michelle Colson, took the ball and scored the 0-3. Then, the trainer decided to change all three players together. Lisa Vanhentenryck, Lore Asselberghs and Lies Bongaerts went out and Hannah Eurlings, Tess Wils and Louise Rillaerts came in. In the seventieth minute, the entered Tess Wils scored the 0-4. Seven minutes before full time, there was a player from Chastre who stood off-side but the referee didn't see it so she came in a one-on-one situation with our goalkeeper. She dribbled het but it would be goal so Zélie Lambert tackled her and the referee decided to give a penalty against us and to give a yellow card to Zélie. Chastre scored and the final score stood on the board, 1-4 for us, Oud-Heverlee Leuven.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my report!

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